Our Approach
“Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. The need for imagination, a sense of truth, and a feeling of responsibility—these three forces are the very nerve of education.”
We begin mornings outside, waking up our brains and connecting with our classmates. At Morning Meeting, we engage in a socratic discussion - sometimes these are inspired by our current learnings or are centered around personal/social development topics such as building integrity or how to solve interpersonal problems. We then move on to ‘Core Skills’ time, a series of short work periods and brain breaks that allow students to focus on individualized math, reading and writing goals.
Next, comes studio maintenance. Students are expected to fully take care of their learning space. After lunch (which is outside whenever possible) it’s time for ‘Connection’. Sometimes this means engaging with local experts, spending time in nature or exploring out in the community. This time allows space for students to ‘connect’ their in-class learning to the real world.
If all goes well and no time is wasted, we end our days outside at Elk Grove Park. We believe there is no ‘bad weather’, just bad gear. School days run from 8:30am-3:30pm, 8:30am-12:00pm on Fridays.
$5,400 per trimester
Tuition covers individualized learning plans, learning materials, trimester conferencing, diagnostic testing, local field trips, music lessons, art classes, and the majority of outdoor activities.
Limited scholarships available, please email admin@optoutdoors.school to inquire.
Students will meet or exceed state (Common Core) learning standards, the 1,080 mandated hours of class time, and complete nationally normed MAP progress monitoring each trimester to ensure that the transition in & out of other school settings is as smooth as possible. We are happy to collaborate with other supportive parties in your child’s life such as tutors, specialists or therapists.
Opt Out does not have the resources required to service students with acute learning disabilities or behavioral challenges. We all abide by ‘Tribal Agreements’ or student-set standards for our behavior. Students who can not consistently meet these standards are placed on a probationary contract or asked to leave. Psychological safety is too high a price to pay - we must all feel safe and supported for an intimate environment like ours to function in a healthy manner. We do not expect perfection, we expect consistent efforts to improve.
Currently, our Agreements read as such:
WE AGREE TO: 1) Bravely and honestly hold ourselves and others accountable. 2) Speak to and treat other beings with kindness and respect. 3) Contribute to the tribe’s success; be givers, not takers. 4) Avoid wasting time or resources. 5) Work hard (make academic progress), Play hard (with gratitude for special experiences & opportunities). 6) Be great sports!
Kind Words
"You have created a very special environment, one to be proud of as an educator. We’ve noticed a massive change in (student name) since he started at Opt Out. And not just a change that likely would have happened with age/maturity, this has been like a light switch. It’s like we’re now consistently seeing the little guy we always knew was in there - he’s becoming more patient, kind, caring, helpful, etc. It’s been pretty incredible. Plus, he loves going to school now, so that’s the icing on the cake!"
Happy Parent
“Michaella made school fun. There was opportunity to be a little bit more exploratory with what they learned and that was really valuable. I think the most compelling aspect of the program, for both them and us, was to have more self-directed learning experiences. It kind of invigorated them for learning new things.”
Founding Parent
Mrs. Croskey has a rare gift as an educator. A stellar combination of kindness, enthusiasm, relatability, and creativity brings about engaged and curious learners. From coding to Native American studies to ecology, Michaella’s dedication to teaching outside the box makes her a clear favorite teacher, both amongst her students and their parents.
Happy Parent