June School

Welcome! We’re so happy to have you join our crew for June School.

To make sure your student is set up for success, it's important to check the weather each morning or develop a system that ensures your child has what they need to stay warm/cool/dry each day. Please review the calendar below and note when swim stuff or hiking shoes will be needed. We provide sunscreen to keep things a little simpler. 

Each day, without fail, your child needs:

• A water bottle

• A snack for morning/afternoon

• Lunch (most days we will eat outdoors)

• Raincoat

• Activity appropriate footwear

Each day, drop off / pick up will be at Elk Grove Park at 8:30am and 3:30pm. Communications go out via Remind, so please follow this link to join the app if you haven't already. This system allows us to send group announcements - it also has a direct messaging feature if you need to let staff know details about your child.

Please fill out one form per student.